Opinion and Empathy: Bill Bullard


Happen to just come across this image, and it just hit me to the core. I just kept reading about Empathy and Opinions in so many places. It really did not make me understand to clearly, a lot of my Mentors and the Leaders I like and follow mention about Empathy, this one just got into the depth and so precisely clear for anyone to understand and relate it. I am just writing this post just as a reminder for myself also as I have been quite vulnerable, not able to understand people and get driven sometimes, so it gets registered with me totally as well. My last post of a drive on expressway which I experienced with a friend had hit me hard too. This quote in my daily life it helps to explain my thoughts so much, as well as helps me to understand others better too. I happen to interact with so many people in person and online as well(friends, family, customers, acquaintances, etc.), it just helps me keep connected with it.  Also through the years in my personal life, I can relate so much, and when I see real innate people with glimpses of such qualities, it just drives me to them and their cultures. I found this video which was kind of interesting,

Just sharing the thoughts so even I could regularly be alerted.  Hope the QUOTE IMAGE and the video above helps you with some new insights for yourself as well 🙂 and sharing with some might get more smiles :). Thank you for reading this up.